What To Do Right After Getting into a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accident

Despite the fact that most motorcyclists are seen as reckless riders, the truth is that most motorcyclists are careful and ride their motorcycles responsibly. Nonetheless, the truth is that no matter how carefully you drive – accidents can still happen. Sometimes, it is the fault of the motorcyclist, and sometimes it is someone else’s fault.

The question is, what do you do when you are riding your motorcycle, and you get into an accident, and it is not your fault?

Stay Calm

Suppose you get into an accident while you are on your motorcycle. Naturally, you will start to panic and feel overwhelmed with emotions, as being on a motorbike makes you so much more vulnerable than car drivers.

The best you can do is to calm your nerves with a few breathing exercises while assessing the situation. If you feel you can move, make sure to move your bike to a safe place so that the incoming traffic doesn’t get affected by the accident.

Get Medical Attention

If you are injured, you need to call the ambulance so your injuries can be addressed immediately. If the injuries are bad, you should ask someone else to make the call for you. If you aren’t injured, but someone else is badly injured, make sure to help them and try to keep them calm while you are at it.

Wait for help to arrive. If you are the one who is injured, you might want to call a personal injury attorney and have the lawyer take up the case with the insurance company of the at-fault party. This way, you can ensure that your medical treatment and other bills are compensated fairly.

On that note, even though you might feel that you aren’t that much injured, you should still see a doctor as some injuries seem mild or non-existent at first, but they can be much worse than you might imagine.

Collect Information from the Accident Scene

The next thing that you should do is to collect the much-needed information and evidence from the accident scene. Make sure you have the following information from everyone who is involved in the accident:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact information
  • Driver license details
  • License plate number
  • Insurance information
  • Vehicle model details

Also, talk to bystanders who were there when the accident happened. Get their contact details as well. You can share this information later with your motorcycle accident lawyer, as they will be dealing with the insurance company of the involved people trying to negotiate and reach a settlement on your behalf.

Take Pictures

Apart from gathering information regarding name and address, you can also collect picture evidence to help further with your accident case. You can use your phone camera to take pictures of the damage to the motorcycle, your injuries, and any other damage that reflects the entire accident scene.

Do not only take close-up pictures but also zoomed-out shots, including pictures of the street signs and the positioning of the vehicle location. This way, you will be collecting evidence for what happened and where. Also, take notes about the road conditions and weather.

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